READ ME Folder: Data_regression instrument.xls file with years of education information obtained from various sources Folder: Dataproducts_absorption Data_AbsorptionTrade.xls raw data on growth rates of trade, trade/absorption and other statistics for calibration Folder: growthmodel is a stata file that generates figure 5. .Dat files. Contain data with growth rates by percentiles for each country (indicated by country name) and data for HS6 goods .png files. Pictures with growth rates in data and calibrated model for a number of countries TablesExtensiveMargin.txt Log file of stata file computing table 1 of the paper for each one of the relationships of US with Mexico, France, Germany Japan and Canada. growth_rates_071410.m file that generates the png pictures given parameters for calibrations and .Dat files. Corresponds to figure 13 and figures in the Theory Appendix. TablesExtensiveMargin.txt Log file of stata file computing table 1 of the paper for each one of the relationships of US with Mexico, France, Germany Japan and Canada Folder: tariffs data program constructing tariffs at the 6-digit level using online data by Feenstra. Related to figure 6. program constructing tariffs at the 4-digit level using online data by Feenstra. Related to figures in the online appendix. .dta files. Data files required. Source see .do files