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Faculty Research Support

The Research Grant program for EGC economics faculty is designed to support exploratory research and small projects in economic development. The main purpose of these funds is: (1) to support small projects not worth getting funds from outside agencies for, given transaction costs and time constraints; and (2) to support larger seed projects that can be used as the basis for larger projects that would require substantial amounts of money to carry out but are risky. Applications for grants larger than $10,000 should be accompanied by evidence of application to other funding sources. We do not expect to provide any amounts larger than $15,000 – $20,000, and most grants will be for far less than that. Faculty eligible for these grants include all Growth Center members who also hold tenure-track or tenured faculty appointments in the Economics Department.

The research proposal should include no more than a two page (1,000 words) statement of the research question, methods of analysis, data sources, and time frame for the research. A budget will also be required, which may include travel expenses, costs of data collection or purchase, and other justified research expenses. Applicants should also apply or have applied for an external grant for any research costs in excess of $10,000 (to SSRC, NSF, NIH, YCIAS, etc.), and include a copy of this grant application with the research application. A committee of faculty of the Economic Growth Center will meet twice a year to make these allocations as funds permit.

The deadlines for applications are October 1 and April 1.

The Robert E. Evenson Fund

The Robert E. Evenson Fund was established in 2008 to support data collection and travel to less developed countries  by new Yale economics faculty and graduate students.  Robert Evenson's presence at the Economic Growth Center had a profound effect on faculty and students and in the profession at large.  Starting early on in his career, he was uncanny in unearthing and assembling existing micro data sources that could fruitfully be used to test theory about behavior in low-income countries.  This was done principally through visits to less developed countries.  His work was important in turning development economics into an empirically-based science.

Sadly, Professor Evenson passed away on February 2, 2013.
For those wishing to contribute to the Robert E. Evenson Fund in his memory, gifts may be sent to:
The Robert E. Evenson Fund
Yale University Economic Growth Center
PO Box 208269
New Haven, CT 06520-8269